Sound familiar?

Enjoy a drink where its main ingredient is music.

The sound waves make the barrel vibrate, enhancing the aromas and flavours according to the chosen music.

We apply music with a device designed exclusively for this purpose.

The music is programmed to play in each barrel, once a day.

In 2018 we unite our two passions, music and distilling.

When an artist authorises us to use their music and collaborates with us, they become collector’s editions.

What is said about SOUNDCASK

Amalgamation of flavour and music by the SanlĂșcar winery Weisshorn and Hard Rock Cafe

Weisshorn destillery

A SanlĂșcar distillery dedicates a brandy to Eduardo RodrĂ­guez and his career in Triana

SanlĂșcar recovers the manufacture of distillates